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Introducing Du Laddak Doré Birman Cats

A Reputable Cat Breeder

At Du Laddak Birman Cats, we are passionate about our animals. We love helping people find the perfect new addition for their families and enjoy a reputation as a kind and caring Cat Breeder. Please find out more about us and our animals below. We are mainly breeding chocolate-point, lilac-point, seal-point, blue-pointed boys and girls, and all the colors mentioned in a tortie pattern, and red-point males.

We are members of CFA, TICA & Cat Club Alsace Franche-Comté (in France).

Chocolate-tortie kitten

All About Us

Du Laddak Birman Cats is a celebrated Cat Breeder based in San Diego, California. We have been breeding animals since 1986, focusing on making the transition from our loving home to yours as easy as possible. We strive to breed the best animals we can, educate their new owners, and ensure these precious creatures get the love, care, and attention they deserve. Contact us to find out more about our methods and philosophy. This is a hobby and not a business. We only produce a few kittens each year.  We now have a new male (Telemaque du Val d'Ambre), a blue-point from France, who gave us his first babies on August 16th, 2023.

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This book is the result of 10 years of research on the legend and origin of the Birman Cat before 1940.

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Sleeping Cat

Guiding Philosophy

At Du Laddak Birman Cats, we are rigorous in screening and selecting the right home for each animal. If we do not think your home is the best place for them, we will redirect you to a different Cat Breeder who might be a better fit. To reserve an animal, please get in touch. Note, we will not separate our babies from their mothers until they are old enough.

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Pets & Animals

CFA Cat Show San Diego 2019

CFA San Diego Cat Show January 2013

CFA San Diego Cat Show January 2020

Taking Care of your Kitten

How We Do Things

A kitten is a very sensitive animal and one needs to take special care and give special attention to the kitten as their life behavior is determined by the time and socialization spent during the first six months of life.


Cat Acquisition

If you wish to be considered on my waiting list, do fill the attached questionnaire and send it to me.

Pet Insurance

How We Do Things

It is always good to get your kitten a health insurance as vet cost can be outrageous in this country. I do recommend SPOT PET INSURANCE. Click down.

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Guiding Mission

At Du Laddak Birman Cats, we continue to care about our animals long after they leave us. As such, it’s our strict policy to only sell to individuals; we will never sell to pet shops or brokers. To make sure our animals get the forever home they deserve, we carefully interview all potential owners. Contact us to find out more about the process or to get on our waiting list.

Our Books

White Structure
Dossier de presse: livre Birman

New Book Press Release in French & English

The Origin of the Birman Cat

Get my new book on the history and origin of the Birman cat on (French version).
The English version will be available with on October 15th, 2021 and online with

Birman Book Cover
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